Greetings from the darkest days of the year in the northern hemisphere!

As a spokesman for all things Gemini, I come bearing good news and bad news regarding the extensive and tumultuous war march of the mighty malefic planet Mars through the mercurial zodiac sign of the Twins.

Let us start with the bad news delivered double dipped. Most astro savvy folks are familiar with the first news cycle already, that despite months of mayhem inflicted upon the Gemini strongholds of communications, social dynamics and mental affinities we shall still be enduring the war god’s long haul there until near the dawning of Spring. The full moon in Gemini earlier in December marked the halfway point of this martial transit and the dark moon in Capricorn coupled with the winter solstice sets the stage for the next crucial developments of this conflicted tale.

Much wisdom concerning the unique trials and tribulations of Mars in Gemini has already been offered during this marathon of dualistic conflict. Astrologer Amaya Rourke keenly details in her article some of the heightened themes of this transit, particularly the nature of villainy and standing up for one’s values.

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Villainous Twins – Phobos and Deimos

All captivating tales require some sort of conflict, or at least that’s what I’ve been told by every Hollywood executive while pitching shows and content. While heroes are generally center stage for branding purposes, the villains are often the fan favorites which draw us back into the stories we consume. Mars in Gemini highlights an action packed encounter with some villainous characters that bring us to the next dip into unpleasant revelations.

There is a light in the darkness though, because the second round of bad news comes with the keys to unlocking the medicine cabinet to help mend the injuries of this violent intrusion into the spheres of hermetic air. While the adventurous Castor and Pollux represent the cosmic twins of Gemini, Mars has brutally carved into the faces of these icons and transformed the central figures in the story to showcase his own horrific holiday family reunion. Phobos and Deimos, the terror twins born of Mars’s lusty union with unhappily wed Venus, are the best twins to represent Mars in Gemini and how to properly defend against the psychic onslaughts at which they excel. These are the deities of fear and dread that accompany Mars into battle, whose visages and invocations were used in ancient times as methods of psychological warfare against opposing forces. Any apt student of war knows that winning in conflicts persists in many ways as a head game. By terrifying and casting doubt into the hearts of your enemy, strategic advantages arise and likelier victory awaits. Mars craves both conflict and victory and his identical diabolical brats are crucial in obtaining both. Unfortunately for those of us who seek genuine and friendly community online, we often encounter characters with the same cravings. This Mars transit beckons us to face this ugliness.

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Fear and Dread in Cyberspace

Since the dawning of the internet, we have found a general populace of folks eager to engage in conflict from a distance, weaponizing their keyboards, armoring in avatars, camouflaging in online facades, fueling the anxieties that already run rampant across the airwaves in these times of chaos and uncertainty. Gemini energy embodies contrasts within connectivity and currently provides Mars ample space to engage in electric battle for those who seek it. As Mercury rules Gemini and governs communications, one quick scroll through any social media platform will provide ample evidence of feuding on public display and voices crying out in fear and despair. Mars in Gemini has heightened all this while Phobos and Deimos vigorously fan the fires of modern conflict and mental torment. Every flame war in a chat room or endless unsolicited argument in a comment section serves as an offering to these unruly bastards. Anyone who enters the cyber realms scared of being bullied and dreading the potential of online conflict certainly can attest to the looming presence of the terror twins.

Given that we live in an often violent and war torn world with very real physical traumas and tragedies, one must wonder why we choose to participate and accelerate online interpersonal conflicts and make minefields out of social media spaces. Gemini’s are known for their charming speech and ample wit, but also excel at utilizing sharp tongues to assault minds and emotions instead of flesh and steel. These are the powers of Phobos and Deimos as well, relished and supported by the current occupation by Mars. This spokesman for Gemini however prefers acts and times of peace. Warfare creates the need for healing and healers, so I set upon the task to wield the caduceus to call upon any sort of curative wisdom that can be mustered amidst the current chaotic climate.

Dwelling on all this, the solutions seemed that the salves for the damages made by this calamitous duo reside close to their origins and are embodied by other divine bastards of a counter demeanor. The cures to Gemini ills were found via the Gemini powers of pivoting to an equally skilled utilization of opposite styles.

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Time Warps for Well Being

To access this triage involved a trip back in time. We owe this lengthy journey of Mars in the realms of Gemini to the black ops mission routing of the current Mars retrograde, an underworld journey and dungeon raid that reveals secret gems illuminating how we think and how we express ourselves. While Phobos and Deimos kicked down the door and led the charge into the depths, retrogrades are invitations to review wisdoms of the past as well as retool components of both our mundane and magical systems. They also offer means to reconnect and reconsider.

Gazing into to the “astro-past”, I fondly recalled an article published twelve years ago in the previous Year of the Tiger written by a martial arts trained astrologer with a moon in Gemini. His wisdom seemed fitting for the dilemmas at hand. Within it, while addressing a particularly saucy cosmic tango between Venus and Mars at that time, the bastard offspring of their scandalous union was showcased. Have a gander at this 2012 piece from Austin Coppock and take due notice of the divine character roster within.

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Mars and Venus Family Life

In addition to one of the all time best quotes about the incel-sorrows of Hephaestus, the article speaks on the polarities of the maniacal Phobos and Deimos connected by parentage with their more graceful and enchanting siblings Eros and Harmonia. The mythic balancing act to countering fear and dread which generates conflict and hate hinges on the fostering of peace and love. This may sound simplistic and sentimental, but the message lies clearly depicted in the amorous tale of Mars and Venus and their passionate progeny. By familiarizing ourselves with Phobos and Deimos we are also able to connect with Eros and Harmonia and reconsider how we choose to think, feel and act.

In true Gemini fashion, further solutions to the current challenges were found within my social networks. Near the beginning of the Mars entry into Gemini around Halloween season, I had the good fortune of hearing Mitch Horowitz speak and convey gems of wisdom on achieving success and agency. In both his books and his presentations he emphasizes getting away from cruel people to avoid sapping your own energy. This message remained with me while experiencing the terror twins running amuck the past couple months and doing my best not to succumb to their influence and find some counter to the push and pull of their war cries. Amidst the cacophonies the call for concordance was heard and welcomed.

Not long after the meeting of Mars and the moon with considerable time to sink into the transit, I found myself tuning into a talk on chaos magick from witchy author Gaby Herstik who shared her Libra rising outlook on facing a world of chaos and difficulties. The remedy was simple, to be loving and good natured towards those you encounter. Venus vibes once again provided the happiest ways of being. When it comes to her children, mother knows best. We may not be able to completely avoid cruel people and chaotic situations but we all have the capacity to choose love over hate and harmony over discord.

Love and Harmony

Love and Harmony to the Rescue

Given the space weather and holiday doldrums ensuing after the winter solstice, we can all most likely use more love and good cheer to get us through the darker times ahead. Big Sky Daddy Jupiter has entered Aries, amplifying both aggressions and bravery. We can certainly use the extra courage, as Mercury goes retrograde near the end of the year, adding another barrage of curveballs and introducing new subterranean levels to the underworld journey initiated by Mars.

The ongoing Mars retrograde in the Mercury ruled sign has felt like a Mercury RX on steroids so prepare for new plot twists as we ring in the vulgar new year. Miscommunications are the meat and potatoes of retrogrades, so be ready for some hefty servings of misunderstandings with extra spice. And particularly appropriate for this hyper charged season, we shall soon encounter Janus the two- faced deity that provides the namesake of January to circle us back to the challenging contrasts of holiday pressures, our mental health and how to move forward successfully in the new year.

Looking back can often be as difficult as looking forward. Though the end of the year draws many close to loved ones and provides ample festive opportunities, the darkest days of the year are fertile ground for deeper loneliness, heightened anxieties, and reflections on loss and disappointment felt while taking stock of the year swiftly coming to a close. Given the prevalent scenarios of the various martial and mercurial retrogrades ensuing, let us again call upon divine twins for concluding guidance and inspiration.

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Castor and Pollux Dance Party

For while the trials inflicted by Phobos and Deimos embody the Mars transit, Castor and Pollux by divine right compose the sign of Gemini and here lies where the war journey began and will eventually end. Call upon them to get you safely through the war-torn terrains. The brave and talented Dioscuri demonstrate both a love of adventure and the bonds of love for one another. Dwelling equally in both the heavens and the underworld, they come equipped as expert guides through the retrogrades with all the challenges and rewards included in the dungeon quests. The spirit of these good-natured twins invite us to always consider our options, appreciate multiple perspectives, act bravely, and ultimately choose love even if it requires sacrifice.

Indeed, this post manifests my own testament to sacrificing my own fears and desires for the sake of self-love. The amount of dread that brewed within me while composing this article was overflowing, fermented by all the insecurities that can go along with writing and promoting and the audience reactions that follow. The initial plan was to offer this article on the Gemini full moon and Mars meet up and take a leisurely coastal road trip the rest of the season, visiting friends along the way and culminating in a magical landscape on the winter solstice.

War Trials of the Twins

War Trials of the Twins

War Trials of the Twins

Unexpected challenges arose, plans went awry, and the course changed. My own war wounds needed tending and I almost called it quits, but the spirit of my patrons invigorated me. Pollux and Castor never gave up on one another, so I sacrificed my holiday plans and went into the uncomfortable foxholes of impromptu secluded writing spaces to honor my pledges to myself and compose my first esoteric article as an offering of bravery. In these dark and lonely moments communing with terror twins and adventurous Argonauts alike, I discovered some further revelations. In true Gemini spirit, allow me to share one last piece of off-center astrological advice as a boon and proper plot twist, so please enjoy the good news arriving better late than never.

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Cthonic Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury and Venus and the Sun will all be in Capricorn as we enter the new year and while Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde and these will be difficult times to do all the Mars and Mercury things, Mars claims exaltation in Capricorn. Capricorn commands Mars the focused direction and skilled planning required for victorious outcomes and the Capricorn prominence bestows Saturnian stability to all the mercurial chaos. Mercury ruling Gemini grants the capacity to dig into the depths of the inner workings of Mars and come out of the retrogrades with improved plans of action. Venus here infuses the those plans with joy and beauty experienced when doing what we love. The Mercury cazimi meeting with the heart of the Sun the first weekend of 2023 offers the perfect time to formulate the best assessment of your goals and ambitions. Mars and Mercury will eventually go direct and with all that renewed energy we shall find ample opportunities to achieve success by positive attitudes and steering clear of the now obvious snares of fear and dread.

These final insights are offered as a shrewd strategic plan with the best views of the terrain from the top of Capricorn mountain. I hope each of you are able to be victorious without ever going into battle. Every Mars transit by nature encompasses a military campaign and this one targets the choices we make on mental and emotional levels which ultimately follow through into our actions and behaviors. When the smoke eventually clears from the long frantic war march of Mars in Gemini and the terror twins finally cool their heels, we will all have to acknowledge if we chose war or peace.

Choose well!

Original modern art by Oracle of DelphA.I. @oracleofdelphai